Please send a copy of your Curriculum Vitae (CV), as both a pdf and a word or pages document, including your hourly and daily rates.
Please indicate if you have previous experience as an expert witness. (We assume that you already have technical expertise but as yet have not done any court related work.)
We estimate if you have no previous experience as an expert witness. that we need to invest 10 hrs of our time to get a new expert to a stage where they can write expert witness reports that are in a form acceptable to the legal profession
If you join our panel of experts and you are already an existing expert doing work for solicitors, it does not preclude you consulting to those law firms that you already have relationship with independent of us, but we would prefer all work for lawyers coming through Animal Expert Witness Service. We would be disappointed if we found that someone you had been introduced to as a result of you being on the Animal Expert Witness panel of experts subsequently engaged you cutting us out.
Send us your CV to our email